

In English students develop an appreciation and understanding of different texts, both fiction and nonfiction, writing styles and the context in which these texts have been written. The overall aim is for students to enjoy a range of literature and to develop the ability to make intelligent links whilst interpreting challenging concepts, ideas and themes that help them understand the complex world in which we live.   

By learning to look at different texts of different periods, students are able to think thoughtfully and critically about writer’s intent and the way language is used for effect in a piece of writing/text. English also enables students to look at different writing styles and in doing so become more adept and coherent writers themselves. English Literature helps students to understand people, societies, events and culture, by delving into different stories to see how these ideas were presented.  


In KS3 students delve into a wide range of texts and discuss ideas and issues in regards to the texts being studied and taught. Students receive teaching through a variety of diverse texts, including representative work. Students learn a broad range of literature that has the power to challenge and engage them.  

In Year 7 students build on the foundations of the primary curriculum through exposure to a breadth and depth of texts covering themes such as culture and identity, relationships and social class. This increases their understanding of the wider world and its issues, adding to students cultural capital knowledge.  

In Year 8, students develop their understanding and become exploratory thinkers of Victorian literature from Year 7 and expand on their contextual knowledge to explore how and why society is changing and the effect this has on people. Students also explore different relationships, the importance of themes of social inequality, power, prejudice and discrimination and how these are presented in literature.  

In Year 9, students explore a range of texts that are thematically linked. Students develop their understanding of how social inequality, discrimination and power is presented in literature through a range of challenging texts. Students develop their critical understanding of Victorian literature from Year 8 and expand on their contextual knowledge to explore how and why society is changing and the effect this has on people.  

Reading for pleasure is also built into the curriculum as both an academic and personal development priority, to allow students to become more coherent writers as well as build on their imagination and creativity. The practice of reciprocal reading in reading lessons allows students to think and criticise texts more effectively and move away from being passive readers; it enables them to build a love for literature and reading itself. 


In KS4 students begin their preparation for their GCSE examinations in English Language and Literature. During this period students study set GCSE texts for Literature, and the units of work continue to embed wider reading to allow students to become more thoughtful and critical in their ideas and analysis. Students explore issues around identity, belonging, power and class to equip them with the tools they need to understand and describe the world they live in as well as the author’s intent in presenting such ideas in Literature.  

Students also study and are exposed to a range of texts, particularly non-fiction, in order to deepen knowledge, understanding and confidence. This exposure to different text types also helps students become more skilled and clear writers, helping them succeed in their English Language exam.