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Developing confident communicators into global citizens 

We aspire to expose our students to the Francophone world, through a broad curriculum and strong teaching and learning practices, which build vocabulary and grammatical concepts in a sequential and spiralled way to increase retention of knowledge in students’ long-term memory. 

We will build students’ confidence and spontaneity in communicating with a French speaker in a multi-lingual environment. This confidence is underpinned by the regular revisiting of high frequency language structures, the embedding of cultural knowledge of the French-speaking world and the development of students’ understanding of style and register in French.  

We will equip students with the foundations and the curiosity to be able to learn other modern languages, increase their awareness of international opportunities available to them when learning a second language whilst also cultivating students’ empathy of the challenge’s others face when learning a new language.  

We promote celebrations of all languages and cultures, discussions on the roots of language and how French has influenced the English spoken today. We promote cultural projects within our curriculum to ensure our students have access to ‘real’ French, and a wealth of social knowledge of French-speaking cultures, with the aim to engage in residential trips to strengthen this cultural knowledge further. 

Curriculum Maps

Knowledge Organisers

Homework Details

'You said, we did'

Homework is set every week on the website Active Learn for both KS3 and KS4.

It's based on digital textbooks used to plan the lessons.

Year 11 have been provided with a GCSE Revision Workbook for additional Homework.

Contact French

Do you need assistance from a member of staff?

We have a team of talented, motivated staff who help deliver the best possible education to each of our students.

Who to contact


Schemes of Work

Exemplar Work