The School Day

Time (Early Lunch) Activity

Time (Late Lunch)

08:30 Pupils Arrive 08:30 Pupils Arrive
08:40 AM Registration with Tutor 08:40 AM Registration with Tutor
09:00 Lesson 1 09:00 Lesson 1
10:00 Lesson 2 10:00 Lesson 2
11:00 Break  11:00 Break 
11:20 Lesson 3 11:20 Lesson 3
12:20 Early Lunch Break (Y7, Y9 & Y11) 12:20 Lesson 4
13:00 Lesson 4 13:20 Late Lunch Break (Y8 & Y10)
14:00 Lesson 5 14:00 Lesson 5
15:00 End of School Day 15:00 End of School Day
16:30 End of Extra-Curricular Activities 16:30 End of Extra-Curricular Activities

Break and Lunches

So that our pupils have a good experience during social times and are not too crowded, we run a split day – so not everyone has lunch at the same time.  Your child’s timetable will show which  lunchtimes they are having.

During social times, pupils can play a range of sports with our students from their year group or socialise with their friends.  Students also have access to indoor spaces where they can read, complete independent study or homework.

Period 6 and Intervention - Year 10 and Year 11

Period 6

In Year 10 and Year 11 some students will be invited to attend additional classes to complete additional qualifications sitting outside of our standard curriculum.  These lessons will appear on your child’s timetable and will run from 15:00-16:00pm.


In Year 10 and Year 11 your child may be invited to attend an intervention session. Intervention sessions take place following each exam period and are made up of very small groups working with a teacher on a specific topic or area of study that the students did not perform well on in the exam. Intervention sessions run before and after school, however, as these change regularly they do not appear on your child’s timetable.

Education Beyond the School Day

At the end of each school day all students are invited to attend extra-curricular clubs and activities as part of our Education Beyond the Classroom provision.

Find out more.


If a student does not work hard enough to achieve the success criteria or does not do their homework, their class teacher can ask them to attend Prep. Prep is held every day and runs from 15:00-16:00pm each day.

Back on Track

If a child is removed from a lesson during the school day due to not meeting the school expectations, they will attend Back on Track. Back on Track is held every day and runs from 15:00-16:00pm each day.