

In History we will nurture knowledge, skills and abilities so that our students can interpret the past and its legacies.  We will help our students to have the tools to be successful and contribute in a positive way to the new Histories that are being created every day. 

History at SSA aims to ensure that all pupils know how events and people’s lives have shaped the History of our country, and how Britain has influenced and interacted with the wider world. Students will be able to examine local, national and international History from a wide variety of time periods and make connections, draw contrasts between them, and develop strong oral and written communication techniques. Students will be able to rigorously examine historical claims using source and interpretative materials so that well-formed, evidence based judgements can be made about the past and applied to situations that arise in the present. 

Through teaching historical concepts such as change and continuity, cause and consequence, significance, and differing interpretations of the past students will have strong knowledge of the key stories that form the narrative of today’s Britain. In studying events from the Romans up to the present day, we enable our students to have the knowledge and cultural capital to access conversations in society and interpret the world around them.  


The Key Stage Three Curriculum examines the struggles for power between crown, nobility, parliament and the people through a chronological study starting with Roman Britain and ending at the present day.  Histories of conflicts nationally, internationally and in society help our students to understand the world around them today. 


At Key Stage Four students complete a thematic study, examining the development of healthcare from 1000 to the present day, followed by depth studies into Elizabethan England, the Inter-war Years, and Germany 1880-1945. 

Students leave us with a well-informed historical context on which to base their future learning.  We want our students to have a life-long love of learning and encourage them to have experiences beyond the classroom including offering trips to museums and historic landmarks.  Online we offer further reading lists and recommended TV shows and films that can enhance student learning alongside suggested days out for families during the holidays. 

Curriculum Maps

Knowledge Organisers

Exemplar Work

Homework Details

Educational Experiences for the Summer Holidays

This is a suggested list of reading, watching and visits for the summer holidays. It is not compulsory to complete, nor are parents and students expected to complete every one. If you take part in any other activities, or find a good book or TV show based on any of the topics, the History department would love to hear about them! If there are any gaps in your knowledge then completing one of these activities is a great place to start!

Educational Experiences for the Summer holidays

Contact History

Do you need assistance from a member of staff?

We have a team of talented, motivated staff who help deliver the best possible education to each of our students.

Who to contact