Exams and Revision

Year 11

Year 11 Intervention Sessions - May Half Term

Year 11 GCSE June Exam Timetable - 2024

Year 11 GCSE Mock Exam Timetable - February 2024

Year 11 GCSE Mock Exam Timetable - October 2023

Year 11 GCSE Handbook - 2023-2024

Year 11 GCSE Information Pack - 2023-2024

How to use a Knowledge Organiser effectively 

Year 11 Information Evening Presentation - September 2023

Year 11 Information Evening - 10 Weeks to Make a Difference

Autumn Half Term Year 11 Intervention Sessions


Year 10

Year 10 Mock Exam Timetable: 20th - 25th June 2024

Year 10 GCSE Handbook - 2023-2024

How to use a Knowledge Organiser effectively

Year 10 Information Evening - September 2023


How to revise

Students should be thinking about how they can maximise their grades to be able to take the courses they want to in the sixth form or college. Follow these how to revise tips to ensure your success.













Email, Remote Access and Microsoft Teams

SSA teaching departments regularly share feedback and revision resources with students via email and Microsoft Teams.

Login to in your school emailRemote access to the school networkOpen Microsoft Teams If you have trouble accessing any of these resources, visit Online Learning or contact the School Office.

Remote Learning Guidance


Dealing with Exam Stress

Everyone gets stressed about exams and there are lots of places you can go to for help and advice. It is natural that you will be a little nervous, but if your anxiety is making your life difficult you MUST speak to someone – a friend, a member of your family, someone at school. Every member of staff at SSA is there for you and will be happy to listen to your concerns and worries. Don’t keep them a secret!

You can also find support and advice online via the following platforms:

AQA: Managing Exam Stress Childline: Assessment Stress and Pressure NHS: Exam Stress BBC: Exam Stress Mind: Student Mental Health Hub


jcq & exam information

All external or public exams that students sit at school are regulated by JCQ and students are expected to follow strict behaviour guidelines. Students must:

  • know their candidate number
  • make sure they attend all exams they are entered for
  • follow the rules as explained to them by the staff leading their exams

Warning to CandidatesUnauthorised Items PosterGCSE Post Results Information and Appeals 2023


Examination Queries 

If you have any exam queries please do not hesitate to contact our Examinations Officer. Alternatively, please contact the relevant Head of Department.