Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

Our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme aims to be inclusive of all Stratford School Academy pupils; helping our young people to gain the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitude required to make informed choices.  

At Stratford School Academy, we value the importance of students gaining insight into different careers sectors. Students from Year 7 – 11 all have access to the Morrisby Careers platform to explore and understand their skills and interests and the transferability to specific careers.

We encourage our students to consider the skills that they are developing throughout their education, and extra- curricular activities. This is partly achieved through our PSHCE curriculum, from Year 7 students are encouraged to reflect on their skills and interests. We believe this awareness is crucial tool for making choices about further education, apprenticeships, and later career choices.

We support all students in making good decisions by providing access to information and guidance about the range of careers options that are most likely to help students to achieve their goals. We believe that giving students the best careers education and guidance is key to helping them to achieve and be successful in life beyond school. We measure our programme against the Gatsby Benchmarks which provide a framework of effective whole school career provision:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each student

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experience of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance



Our Careers Lead and adviser is connected to the Local London Careers Hub to support the school with achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks and delivering a high-quality careers programme. The Hub has connected the school with an Enterprise Adviser from Macquarie Group to facilitate trips to the investment firm and to support with employer encounters.

Through the London Partnership Programme, we are connected to KPMG who work with us to facilitate trips and visitors to the schools.

Our partnership with Future Frontiers, has supported our students to visit businesses across London and widened the opportunities for the year group by having guest speakers from Marex to deliver aspiration career talks to our students.

Future First support our careers activities through managing and maintaining our alumni network. This allows us the chance to inspire our students through them hearing from previous students who are now in their career and receive advice about developing essential skills for the workplace. We have a well- established network but are always looking for more supporters or alumni to join. Please do register through the following link -

Careers Leader

Our academy Careers Leader is Ms. Courtney Green. Courtney holds a Level 6 Diploma in Careers Guidance and Development and is registered with the Careers Development Institute (CDI). Ms. Green adheres to the CDI Code of Ethics to ensure impartiality in her careers practice.

During Year 10 – Year 11, all students will have a one-to-one session with a careers adviser to discuss their aspirations and options as they approach the end of KS4. Post-interview feedback is collected to quality-assure the careers guidance students receive.

To request a careers meeting for your child, please email or call 0203 823 2060.



Newham's Sixth Forms and Colleges

Newham Sixth Form and College List


Work Experience

Virtual work experience offers students the opportunity to explore career paths, develop essential skills, and enhance their employability in an increasingly digital and competitive world. There are a lot of benefits to explore a wide range of career opportunities, and the virtual and on-demand nature of experiences for young people, means that you can take part in diverse opportunities.

Students are encouraged to find their own in person work experience opportunities during the school holidays.

Virtual Work Experience Platforms

Please register for Springpod and Speakers for School for access to many different virtual work experience opportunities.

In addition, there are many different career challenges, that are live and can be completed in your own time. These can be found on ‘Dig Data’  Virtual Work Experience - 


The opportunities listed below are available publicly and not vetted by the school.

Barclays Life Skills offer many valuable resources, including a virtual work experience simulator and programme. All you need to do is create a free online account -

There are many on demand work experiences to be found on -

Medic Mentor offer a free work experience programme, aimed at students in Years 10 and above. 

An Australian simulation programme which has been creted with aim to support students who are thinking of working cybersecurity. The Cyber@ANZ virtual experience program 

Goldman Sachs offer an engineering programme virtually.  Engineering Virtual Program 

Careers Programme

At SSA we have created a 5-year careers programme.

Careers Programme 2024-2025

16-18 Courses in Newham

London Borough of Newham updates their Post 16 learning annually. Visit London Borough of Newham: Post 16 Learning to view your progression options as a student in Newham.

London Borough of Newham

Useful Links for Career Guidance


UCAS – Support with different options, career planning and writing personal statements for college.

Post 16 options

Career pilot & Post 16 options

My World of Work

My World of Work enables users to complete a self-assessment to get a picture of how you as an individual like to approach things. They match your assessment results to jobs which may suit you.

World of Work Apprenticeships

Find apprenticeships with in diverse career sectors and industries as well as details about apprenticeships in general.


National Careers Service

The National Careers Service allows users to register their details if they are considering apprenticeships. Users can find lots of apprenticeships on this site.

National Careers ServiceThis is the government’s careers website, with tools and descriptions of jobs and income levels. On this website you can do a skills assessment and explore different careers


Prospects is a graduate careers website, with detailed job descriptions, as well as pathways for different careers.


Labour Market Information

Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers.
It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Simply type in the title of the job you are interested in and the widget provides a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another two occupations and compare.