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Admissions Information


We coordinate In-Year Admissions and Admissions into Year 7 at the Standard Admission Point with London Borough of Newham. 


Apply for a Year 7 secondary school place

Children born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014 (inclusive of stated dates) will transfer to secondary school in September 2025.

All applications must be made through the local authority where the child resides. For children living in Newham, families must apply via London Borough of Newham. For children who live outside of Newham, applications must be made through their own local authority – these applications must name Stratford School Academy as a preference on their application.

Remember, families must apply for a place, even if their child:

  • Has a brother or sister attending the school;
  • Attends a link school

National closing date for on time Year 7 applications: 31st October 2024

National offer date for on time Year 7 applications: 3rd March 2025

Apply for a Year 7 secondary school place

To view London Borough of Newham’s Starting Secondary School Guide and for more information on the application process, visit:

Newham: London - Starting Secondary School



SSA Digital Prospectus 2024/2025


Apply for an In Year secondary school place

As an academy, we are our own admission authority but we have adopted the London Borough of Newham’s admission arrangements and processes to ensure continuity and consistency across the borough.

If you want to apply for secondary school place at SSA outside of the usual times when a child starts a new school, you must make an in-year admission application to the London Borough of Newham. This type of application can also be called ‘mid-phase or ‘mid-term’ entry.

Apply for an In Year secondary school place


Fair Access for In-Year Admissions

The law requires that each local authority must have a Fair Access Protocol, agreed with the majority of schools in its area to ensure that – outside the normal admissions round - unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at a suitable school as quickly as possible. 

In agreeing a protocol, the local authority must ensure that no school - including those with available places - is asked to take a disproportionate number of children who have been excluded from other schools, or who have challenging behaviour. SSA participates in the Fair Access Protocol.

View Fair Access protocol for schools in Newham


Determined Admissions Arrangements

Determined Admissions Arrangements for Stratford School Academy 2023

Determined Admissions Arrangements for Stratford School Academy 2024

Determined Admissions Arrangements for Stratford School Academy 2025

Determined Admissions Arrangements for Stratford School Academy 2026

Waiting Lists

All schools in Newham hold waiting lists if they have more applications than places available.

How Newham offer places


Admission Appeals

If you were not awarded a place at Stratford School Academy and would like to appeal this decision, you must submit your appeal to London Borough of Newham.

Make an appeal



For queries on site allocation from parents

Brothers and sisters will be allocated the same site and so will be in the same building. 

•           Gender (boys and girls)

•           Key Stage 2 test scores

•           Ethnicity

•           First language

•           Special Educational Needs

•           Medical Conditions

We do NOT consider:

  • How close pupils live to each of the buildings.  The two buildings are just five minutes’ walk apart and it will make no real difference to pupils which building they have to go to. 
  • Parental or pupil preference for a building – because we will be running two parallel mini schools it really should make no difference which building pupils go to. 

We Do consider:

  • If your child has a registered medical problem please let us know in writing/email as soon as possible and attach proof.

If you have any issues or queries, please contact;  stratford@stratfordschoolacademy.org