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Parent and Carer Forum

Stratford School Academy Parent and Carer Forum.

This is an open invitation to all parents and carers to participate in Stratford School Academy Parent/ Carer Forum.

The forum will discuss items linked to academy improvement priories and have an opportunity for feedback from parents/carers on other matters. Although not a decision-making body, the forum has the opportunity to discuss issues, and raise solutions through an open dialogue.

Agenda items will be suggested by members of the Senior Leadership Team, and other Academy Leaders, as well as providing opportunities for parents and carers to raise items ahead of the meeting via Microsoft Forms.

The aim of the Parent and Carer Forum is a genuine attempt to seek the views of parents and carers and to develop a stronger partnership, by improving understanding through communication. The forum will be an opportunity to raise academy standards and maintain the outstanding progress and attainment of all our students. 

Frequency of the forum

  • Forum meetings will be held once a term, with options once a half-term to attend either a day-time or early-evening forum session.
  • Forum meetings will last 1 hour.

Terms of reference:

Members will work collaboratively together to:

  • Promote a strong partnership and positive relationships between the academy, students, and parents/carers.
  • Support the academy in consulting with the wider parent/carer body on academy matters.
  • Identify and represent the views of a wide range of parents/carers on the education provided by the academy and other matters affecting the education and interests of the students.
  • Highlight ways in which parents/carers can be involved in their children’s learning to improve achievement.
  • Provide positive and constructive help and feedback to improve academy outcomes.
  • Provide formal and informal channels for communication about academy events and how parents/carers can become involved.

Code of Conduct

As part of the Parent and Carer Forum, parents and carers who attend will agree to the following:

  • Maintain confidentiality on matters that aren’t public knowledge yet
  • Have the best interests of all children and their parents - e.g. not discussing your own child’s issues
  • Show respect to all members of this forum, by listening to and respecting a diverse range of opinions
  • Allow all those involved an opportunity to speak
  • Stick to agreed timescales for discussion of topics
  • Avoid discussing individual circumstances or grievances. These issues should be directed via the school’s complaint’s policy instead

If you would like to find out more, please email

Parent Carer Forum Agenda Meeting 1