Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month, 13th February

This month we will be focussing on the History of the LGBTQ+ Community. We will be posting daily facts that are associated with people and communities that are part of a minority sexuality or gender identity. We hope you learn something that you didn’t know before about LGBTQ+ History!
Books for Children and Young Adults
Until recently there were very few books aimed at children or young adults about the LGBTQ+ community. If someone had two mums, or two dads, or had links in anyway to the LGBTQ+ community then it was very hard to find literature or role models that were age-appropriate.
Now there are hundreds of books aimed at helping children and young adults to gain understanding of LGBQT+ issues, whether they are LGBTQ+ themselves or just want to gain knowledge of the diversity of the world around them.
Over half term, why not pick an age appropriate title from the reading list below?
Find out more: LGBTQ Inclusive Books for Children and Young People
If students would like to discuss any of their needs regarding sexuality or gender identity then they can speak with any trusted adult at Stratford School Academy. Students can also contact Childline on 0800 1111 and be referred to sexuality and gender specialists.