Students competed against schools from across the nation in the Debate Mate Cup Grand Finals 2023 and were crowned winners!

On Friday 23rd June, Year 9 and 10 students from Stratford School Academy, Forest Gate competed against schools from across the nation in the Debate Mate Cup Grand Finals 2023 and were crowned winners.
This year, the exceptional debating skills from the young people of Newham were commended not once but twice.
Back in March, the students competed in the Debate Mate Cup Regional Final against London schools: Ark John Keats Academy, Grey Coat Hospital School for Girls, Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, The Lammas School and Sixth Form, Heathcote School and Science College and Kingsdale Foundation School. After hours of debating on topical issues such as the importance of strikes and access to higher education, the students entered their last debate about social movements, which wowed judges and left the audience listening attentively with goose bumps.
Their success in the regional competition earned them a place in the Debate Mate Cup Grand Finals, which saw schools from Birmingham, Manchester, Grimsby and London come together at Salesforce Tower in the heart of the City of London to battle it out for the Debate Mate Cup.
As the competition unfolded, the young people demonstrated their exceptional debating skills and engaged in thought-provoking discussions centred around pressing societal issues. They debated motions that touched upon subjects such as the role of private schools, the concept of meritocracy, and the importance of creating inclusive societies. The competition also delved into the impact of fast fashion, prompting insightful conversations on sustainability, ethics, and consumer behaviour.
In the final round against Parliament Hill School, Camden, the students tackled a challenging motion concerning the pause in AI developments, showcasing their ability to engage with cutting-edge technological debates.
The team's outstanding performance, marked by their exceptional poise, persuasive arguments, and powerful delivery, garnered well-deserved praise from judges, competitors, and spectators alike, meriting a victory over schools from across the UK.
The students' smiles radiated with pride as they celebrated their achievement and collected the gleaming cup.
Students raise the Debate Mate Cup 2023 trophy. From left to right: Mohanul (age 14), Marley (age 15) Sukaynah (age 15), Safa (age 15), Partej (age 13)
Over the weeks leading up to the Debate Mate Cup, the students at Stratford School Academy had been participating in Debate Mate clubs each Thursday since September 2022. Thanks to the programme, students have enhanced their leadership, teamwork and critical thinking skills as well as their confidence and public speaking. The club has proved to be incredibly popular within the school.
Year 10 student Sukaynah Sharif said: ‘The highlight of the Debate Mate Cup for me was the people. Thanks to Debate Mate I’ve been able to work with and learn from debating mentors from some of the best universities in London, and I’ve also met so many different, lovely, and intelligent young people from all over the UK’.
‘I also really liked the location of the competitions; its allowed me to see what kind of places I could be working in one day, I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity’
Sukaynah (age 15) in her element
Year 10 student Marley Dash said: ‘I’ve absolutely loved meeting new people, thanks to the competition, I’ve made so many friends from all over the country. It really has been a great networking opportunity.’
‘We also had the opportunity to meet the CEO of Debate Mate as well as experts in finance and law. Thanks to the programme, I feel inspired and ready to tackle my GCSEs!’
Marley (age 15) with one of his new friends from across the country
Mr Craig Hewitt, Headteacher said: “This week we had the fantastic news that we have won the prestigious Debate Mate Cup competition. This is a huge achievement for the students who took part and a credit to the support and guidance they have received from Ms Ikar, Head of Citizenship and the Debate Mate mentors.’
‘Our aim is to invest in our student’s futures and to support them in developing their wider skills and talents, character, sense of belonging and civic duty needed to prepare them for the world and the workplace. The incredible success of our students makes me not only very proud of the educational experience that we offer here at SSA, but also hugely optimistic about our how we can continue to improve our students’ academic and wider development even further’.
Stratford School Academy’s exceptional debaters are now busy preparing for the upcoming Urban Debate Mate League, scheduled to take place next week at the illustrious Bank of America venue.