SSA Hosts Record-Breaking Open Evening

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Posted on 4th Oct 2024

Stratford School Academy Hosts Record-Breaking Open Evening

Date: October 4, 2024

Location: Upton Lane Site, Stratford School Academy

Stratford School Academy proudly hosted its most successful Open Evening yet for prospective Year 6 students and their parents at the Upton Lane site. The event, led by Head of Transition Sam Ahmed and Headteacher Craig Hewitt, showcased the vibrant and dynamic learning environment that the academy offers.

All departments were set up in bases to highlight their unique curriculums and the exciting events and activities they conduct with students. This comprehensive display allowed families to get an in-depth look at the educational opportunities available at Stratford School Academy.

The evening saw an unprecedented turnout, with over 168 families attending, marking the highest attendance ever recorded for this event. Parents and students alike were enthusiastic about what they saw, with over 95% of attendees indicating they are likely to choose Stratford School Academy for their child’s education. Additionally, more than 95% of parents expressed being very impressed by the Open Evening.

Feedback from parents was overwhelmingly positive. One parent remarked, “We had a nice lovely young lady, Zarwa, who was showing us around. She was very good, very pleasant.” Another parent shared, “It was fantastic. Our student guide Timmy was brilliant.” Many parents appreciated the honesty and approachability of the staff, with one noting, “We really liked the school and the staff were very honest, approachable, and informative. Stratford is a strong contender for being our first or second choice as it stands.”

Stratford School Academy extends its gratitude to all the families who attended and looks forward to welcoming new students in the upcoming academic year.

For more information, please contact:

Sameer Ahmed
Head of Transition
Stratford School Academy