Celebrating Black History Month, 3rd October

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Posted on 3rd Oct 2021

Each day in October we will be finding out about Black History that is less well known.  Often Black History focusses on a few key individuals…we hope that this October everyone can learn something that they didn’t already know.

The Dark Ages (approximately 500AD-1066) is the name of the period following the collapse of the Roman Empire in Britain.

Records show that Saint Hadrian was a Christian working in Canterbury who helped introduce music to church services in England.  He was even offered the most important job of the time, the Archbishop of Canterbury, but turned it down so that he could open and run a school.

Saint Hadrian 1

Saint Hadrian 2

It is unclear exactly where Hadrian was from, but many sources refer to him as “Hadrian the African”, showing that people who were not of a traditional Saxon background still reached the top levels of the church.

St Hadrian of Canterbury - Find out more.